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Digital X-rays

There is a lot of improvement in the dental profession. One of them is the development of digital x-rays; The world’s first X-rays were produced by German physicist Wilhelm Röntgen in 1895 - specifically the Xray of his wife's hand wearing a wedding ring. Since this breakthrough achievement, medical radiography has continued to exceed technological boundaries. It also has the following benefits:

  • It is easy to send records by email
  • It is environmental friendly
  • It reduces time spent in dental appointments.
  • It has higher quality images.
  • The images are immediately processed and available for viewing.
  • Digital X-rays require 90% less exposure to radiation than conventional X-rays.

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4017 A Street SE Suite 104 Auburn, WA 98002
Phone: (253) 737-5188 Fax: (253) 249-7747 E-mail:
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